Major changes

This update contains several security fixes. Main menu has been improved. Menu items are now smartly resized when there is not enough horizontal space to display them; ie., the main menu will not overflow onto multiple lines any more. Setting an account's UI version with the "app_interface" configuration parameter, or resetting it to default, works reliably now. To apply Berlin UI to an account, set configuration parameter "app_interface" to "ERPLY2015". To reset it to standard interface, set the parameter to an empty value. The change takes place immediately when user navigates to next page; there is no need to log out. For easier data entry, there is now an "Add" button on each form, on the toolbar. Modules "Stocktaking" and "Mobile stocktaking" have been restored. Feature "Create POs from sales orders" has been restored. It is now possible to configure more contact information and credentials per-location (ie. specify it on company card). Invoice printouts will display this location- specific information. By setting configuration parameter "enable_company_name_and_code_on_location_card" = 1, it is also possible to set a different Company Name, Company Registration Number and VAT Number for each location. This might be useful for running a franchise chain in one account (where each location is a different company). However, please still verify each new franchise chain with the dev team. There are other factors which need to be considered (eg. franchise size) which might not make it possible to run the customer on one ERPLY account. Also, the user rights limitations (that users could not see information outside their own locations) are not fully in place yet. We have made one adjustment in the ordering process. If an amount has been ordered with a PO, and a purchase invoice linked to that PO has been already entered into ERPLY, but not confirmed yet, then the amount will still remain in "ordered" status. The reports will show that such amount has been ordered and is pending. Formerly, between entering and confirming the purchase invoice, the amount was not accounted anywhere.


Bug fixes: