Why Pet Supply Stores Need A POS System

To be competitive, agile, and customer-centric, retailers must use technology. But not just any technology system will do: every retail business needs technological tools that intuitively work for the business by adjusting to the needs of the company. Any unforeseen issues like shipping delays, changing customer demands, or supplier problems are combatted before negatively affecting the business. Additionally, efficiency is maximized to give the company a competitive advantage while immersing optimal profits. So, why does your pet supply store need a POS system? On the surface, it makes you an unbeatable opponent
in a very competitive market. However, it's deeper than that, and we show you why. Let's dive in.

Tradition No Longer Works

97% of Americans own mobile phones,
and 281.5 million people in the United States
use these devices to access the internet and get information. Also, at least 79% of smartphone users
have made an online purchase using their devices. And this number keeps growing.

So, you might be a pet expert with years of knowledgeable experience in pets, pet care, and pet supplies. But the sad truth is that you can no longer rely on your knowledge to remain competitive in today's market. The world is constantly changing toward digital solutions.

Where you used to rely on your passion and word of mouth to help pet owners find and take care of pets, now you need to compete against the fold by meeting your customers where they are: on their mobile devices.

This means you need a solution that hits the mark and meets the expectations of your digital shoppers. For instance, many millennials are more comfortable in brick-and-mortar pet stores with modern technology like tablets and iPads.

Therefore, incorporating modern technology in your retail store tells them that you are at par with the current trends that resonate with their needs. This, in turn, encourages pet owners to purchase your pet products.

It also tells your shoppers that you care about their shopping experience - mobile checkouts reduce wait times and simplify the shopping experience. Online shopping is also increasing globally, so much it is expected to reach $1 trillion

In the pet industry, at least 40% of pet owners prefer to shop online
because of convenience or lower prices (being online allows shoppers to compare product prices before making a purchase).
Consequently, you need an online presence to help you serve your customers better.

A modern POS software gives your pet store these capabilities and more. For example, our Erply POS software has integration capabilities that allow you to take your pet supply store online through eCommerce integrations with stores like Shopify
and WooCommerce.

The setup process is fast and simple too. It only takes six quick steps to create a Shopify and Erply account and start selling your pet supplies online. As a bonus, you can better track your customer behavior, sales, and inventory turnover.

You also meet your customer's demands by allowing them to shop for what they need from any location since being online will enable you to go global. Learning how the Erply integration and interphase works is easy since you get 24/7 customer support.

POS Equipment Make Your Agile

Let's reiterate the importance of agility in a competitive market:

  1. Today's market and economic systems are very disruptive, meaning they are privy to changes without notice. Therefore, a system optimized for stability cannot scale or grow for success. Instead, you need a ready and adaptable approach to possible disruptions.

  2. Stable systems inspire unconscious bias that blinds you from keeping up with upcoming trends or challenges. If an attack occurs, the business is left to pick up the pieces to recover, while the more flexible and innovative companies take this as an opportunity to thrive much faster.

Consequently, you need agility
to stay competitive. Consider this scenario: Pet store A requires potential dog owners to take six steps before purchasing their dog and bringing it home. Two of these steps need the buyers to consult with a vet and different breeders who might be in sparse locations.

This means that the process of buying a dog might take several weeks. On the other hand, Pet store B has noticed that most buyers give up on purchasing the dog since visiting one breeder to another is tedious.

They compile a list of all their breeders with their pets as a solution. They then create content for each breeder with every information a buyer needs before purchasing a dog. This information is accessible through Pet store B's website.

As a potential pet owner, you are likelier to purchase your dog from pet store B because of its convenience. Pet store B is also more likely to get more sales than Pet store A because it has proven to be more flexible.

This type of value stream optimization caters to customer needs in the shortest time possible. And the faster you can utilize your resources and business systems to meet the changing customer demand, the quicker you will grow despite the economic uncertainties.

This is where your POS solution comes in. It gives your pet supply store the analytical intelligence you need to increase your profits and keep up with the market trends. For instance, customized POS data offer insights that help you make more informed decisions within a short period.

Therefore, if one of your vendors increases their product prices, you can seamlessly adjust the prices in your store through the POS system. This allows you to safeguard your margins. POS system for pet supply stores gives your business the resourcefulness you need to keep your operations running efficiently.


The role of the POS system has also changed over the years – it is not merely enough to focus on tracking transactions and inventory. Somewhat, the modern POS system must streamline all retail operations aiming to help retail businesses maximize their growth potential by leveraging every resource available. So, whether you are a small, mid-sized, or major pet supply business, you need a modern POS system to help you automate and streamline your operations, utilize your resources, and maximize your efficiency and profits.

Where Erply Comes In

Erply's Pet POS solution is designed to improve your customer relationships, operations, and supplier relationships. As such, you can efficiently deliver to your customer's needs by keeping a record of their purchases, ensuring your store is always stocked with their favorite products, and offering recommendations just at the right moment. Besides, Erply has won worldwide competitions
for offering cloud-based retail solutions that help retail businesses optimize and run their stores and warehouses successfully. With comprehensive reports, easy-to-use systems, and consultations to your benefit
, Erply will help your pet supply store perform at its best.