SEO Strategies That Will Increase Traffic To Your Garden Supply Shop

Let's take a chance here and trust that you are already using or have already heard about SEO strategies
to help increase your business visibility, like:

While everything on the list is crucial for increasing website traffic, focusing on curating an SEO strategy for your garden supply store will give you better results. Here's why:

Your garden supply business is seasonal. The only way to build an SEO strategy that performs throughout the year is to consider the changes that come from one season to the other. Gardening consumers are also a particular type of clientele. And while you've spent a reasonable amount of time on research to understand their needs, they are continuously changing with the changing marketplace – a case in point is the expectation for on-demand delivery and digital ordering solutions. Therefore, you need to renovate your marketing strategy
to give you relevance. Now, let's discuss how you can create an SEO strategy to increase your garden supply shop traffic all year round.

Plan Your SEO For Every Season

White hat SEO
is the best-preferred strategy recommended by Google to rank your web page through posting high-quality content, creating a web interface that is easy to navigate, optimizing your site for HTML, and sharing your web page on your social media pages.

But the trick to meeting your customers' needs and generating revenue consistently is to specialize your SEO strategies for each season. Consider, for instance, that the gardening industry is often booming during Summer, but the focus on buying plants for gardens and landscapes reduces in Winter.

You can counter this by focusing your SEO marketing strategies on house plants instead of plants that grow outside the house in Winter. And in Spring, focus more on gardening tools like fertilizers that help gardeners prepare for their Summer gardens. In Fall, teach your gardeners how to protect their plants from frost.

You can start planning your gardening store SEO strategy based on these seasonal needs. Here's how:

  1. Look For Seasonal Keywords

The right keywords help you meet the needs of your consumers using your website content. Google Search Console, Google Trends, Google Analytics, and Google Planner are all tools you can use to find the keywords
your customers are using most during specific seasons.

For instance, type in equipment in Spring in Google Trends and see what's more popular among your consumers. Once you have your results, curate your website content based on the most appropriate keywords.

  1. Your Content Must Be Superior At Meeting Customer Needs

Your keywords might get your customers to click on your website, but if your content doesn't sufficiently meet customers' needs, you will not see a conversion from web visits to store sales. So this is what you should do:

Take a deep dive into your best-performing competitors and see what type of content they are offering their customers every season. Look at the quality of their blog articles, video content, and images like infographics.

Then, talk to your customers. Your competitors might know what gardening customers need, but your customers will more clearly give you an idea of the information they seek from your garden supply store.

As such, look at reviews, mostly negative reviews. Look at the most asked questions or even conduct interviews with your clientele. Collect as much information as possible, and then start to curate content that addresses the issues identified in your research.

Remember, the greatest marketing tool is storytelling
. Since this is SEO focused, ensure you strategically include your identified seasonal keywords in your content. That is, the keywords should fit into the content naturally and should not be overused.

Recommend products and services that work for each season. Include unique product descriptions as well. For instance, when listing down house plants that survive best in Winter, include care tips for those plants and recommend tools to care for the plants.

Basic SEO Practices To Follow When Creating And Posting Content

Source: MonsterInsights

In this image, the link in blue is the breadcrumb, the green highlight is the title, and the pink highlight is the meta description.

Source: Delante

Optime Your Website For Conversion

You must optimize your website to boost your online sales
and increase your search engine visibility. Technically, working on building your SEO strategy is part of optimizing your website for conversions. Other strategies to adopt include:

If you need a reliable platform to take your garden supply store, consider Erply's integration capabilities with eCommerce stores like Shopify and WooCommerce. We advise you on which platform to choose to get the best results with your SEO strategy. Get a demo
from us today.