Back-to-School season is here, and according to a recent survey conducted by the National Retail Federation
, the average family will spend almost $700 is school supplies, clothing, and educational tech. With so many shopping options available, business owners must do their homework and create deals that increase savings for parents.

Create Back-to-School Downloadable Content

Make the shopping process easier than ever by offering free school supplies checklists, budget estimates, and product suggestions. Although you can just post this information on your website, consider making it exclusive downloadable content that is only available to newsletter subscribers. This way you may get email subscribers who are very interested in your back-to-school offerings.

Set special prices for bulk purchases

Create product bundles that are convenient and offer savings. Some ideas include: crayons, notepads, yogurts, juice packs, small-size snacks, sandwich bags, socks, and t-shirts. To ease transportation, you can offer additionally a home delivery option so parents can receive their products directly on their doorstep.

Host Back-to-School events

Increase your store traffic by making it easier for parents to come. Host a back-to-school kick-off party with exclusive discounts, create a night sale, or organize a schoolbooks swap. Make all your events kid-friendly, so your customers can bring them along.

Reinforce your discounts

Offer parents the chance to save more money on discounted items by promoting the use of coupons, customer loyalty points, and gift cards. Make sure this promotion can be used both in your physical location and your online shop, because you never know where parents will decide to shop this year.
 Consider implementing a cash-back program on back-to-school purchases, so you can entice customers to come back and redeem their savings in another purchase.

Offer special deals to students and educators

Promote discounts targeted at educators and students, which can be redeemed upon showing a school ID. You can try this approach for a season and, if it works, consider extending it to the rest of the year for school-related purchases.
 Behind every Back-to-School purchase, there is a family trying to make the most out of their budget. By creating deals that cater to their needs, you will not only close a sale but also position yourself as a family-friendly option to make future purchases.