What is Inventory management system?

Inventory management system is not just an inventory management software, instead, it is a set of integrated software and hardware tools used according to rules agreed among companies employees.Inventory Management System by Erply Retail

Past and the Future

Inventory management system has not always been such a complex and sophisticated system like it is today. In the past inventory was done by a very basic manual system that was based on printed bin cards Then came desktop ERP systems. They usually consisted of several separated software applications. Inventory management usually worked together with procurement and sales modules, but the data had to be copied manually. With the introduction of scanning technology, things became easier. Barcode labels could be pasted on the inventory, which could then be scanned via scanners and the necessary data would be uploaded into the warehouse management system once the scan was completed. In modern inventory management systems, all software components are integrated. This means that there is no need to manually copy any data between order management, procurement management, customer management or inventory management systems. Today’s software works seamlessly with barcode scanners and printers. Software and data are in the cloud and hence accessible everywhere. If the software is missing some industry-specific components, then there are interaction points (APIs) to add your own.

How to get started with a modern inventory management system

Erply is top of the line inventory management software you can start building your inventory management system on. Our inventory management system is built to be flexible enough to work for small businesses up to Fortune 500 companies.

Where to start?

We can get you on right track with inventory management system.