How to Find Potential Customers for a Wholesale Business

Businesses that do no marketing save money but run at a distinct disadvantage. The situation is worse for businesses that rely on a few customers to stay afloat. If one of them leaves, the business can become bankrupt. 

But attracting a continuous flow of potential customers is easier said than done. Almost all wholesalers will tell you the task isn’t easy, and it takes time to yield your desired results. Luckily, there are effective online and offline strategies to market your wholesale business, attract potential customers, and put you ahead of the competition.

Some tips you can use to attract new wholesale customers include:

Use Referrals

Your existing wholesale customers have their network. Have you ever thought about asking your current customers to refer you to their networks? If you haven’t, try to consider doing so. 

Loyal buyers make the best references because they already love your products. But, don’t just sit and wait for your customers to refer you to their family and friends. Be proactive and implement strategies for soliciting referrals
from your satisfied customers.

Offering rewards is a good strategy of tapping into the existing customer’s connections. Commit to rewarding every customer that comes with a new customer. Ask them to pass your details to their network if you have a good relationship.

In most cases, your potential customers will ask you for proof that you can deliver. Your existing customers are the social proof you’ll use to assure your prospects that you are good at what you do.

Offer Incentives

Retail customers love getting good deals and are likely to purchase when they see one. That’s why most wholesale businesses offer initial discounts to their customers to encourage repeat purchases. This tactic works, but if you want to attract new customers in this competitive business, you need to do more.

Consider incentives like flash sales, order size discounts, seasonal holiday sales, free shipping, and special discounts for first-time buyers.

Optimize Your Landing Page

A landing page
is the first page your user arrives at when they visit your business's website. The purpose of a landing page is to convert visitors into leads. Therefore, wholesalers use them for marketing and advertising their businesses.

So, to attract new customers, you must create unique landing pages. Some ways to optimize your landing page include

First, you must emphasize the benefits of your business’s services and products to attract potential customers. For instance, you can let the consumer know that you offer services like free returns and extended payment plans to give your unique service proposition. 

Second, provide proof that you can deliver. Customers want to trust you. They only know you are trustworthy by seeing how you have successfully solved other customers’ problems. Let the social proof, like customer testimonials and review pages, cast these doubts out.

Last, follow up with a short, clear Call To Action (CTA). Your CTA should direct your potential clients to take action they would otherwise ignore or procrastinate. For instance, your CTA can be a BUY NOW link for the user to click.

Reach Out to Retailers

To boost your business, you must reach out to retailers directly. Many retailers don’t have a consistent wholesaler and others don’t get good prices. They’re waiting for you to reach out to them and convince them to buy from you.

Start by cold calling. Personalized cold calls are the best way to reach new customers, although the strategy can be the hardest. Customers don’t like talking to salespeople, especially because most people wouldn’t want to be interrupted during their productive time.

The best way to use a cold call to find prospects is to consider calling your potential customers on a Monday. Preferably mid-morning between 10-11Am, as it isn’t too early or too late to make calls. Also, personalize the phone call by calling them by their name. Ask them about their business’s most significant needs to know how your business fits into theirs.

You can also try advertising your products by emailing your potential customers
. Emails work well to increase sales because they are more personalized and customized. When you email, a customer understands you are addressing them directly. The problem with email is that your messages risk finding their way into the crowded inboxes or spam folders.

Have Great Customer Service

Studies show that gaining new customers costs five times more than retaining an existing customer. So, ensure you keep the customers you already have by treating them professionally and with the utmost respect. Be ready to go the extra mile to satisfy them and encourage them to continue buying from you.

The excellent customer service you provide to your customers is essential in attracting new ones. When you’re known for having great customer service, retailers, especially the ones who work with wholesalers with bad customer service, will want to work with you.

Send Samples to Potential Customers

Sending free samples
to your prospects can seem expensive initially. However, it’s the surest way of grabbing a potential customer’s attention. Luckily, you don’t need to depend on sophisticated technology for the strategy to achieve your goals.

As a wholesaler, you only need to have the contacts of your prospect’s key decision-makers to send them the samples. After that, call them for some follow-up. If they find your products suitable, they’ll want to place an order. 

Make it Seamless to Order, Deliver, and Bill

Wholesale businesses aspiring for growth automate their business processes. Automation helps provide more efficient service by simplifying and streamlining your business’s complex processes. These technologies don’t replace humans in totality but reduce the need for manual labor.

You’ll, therefore, focus on decision-making and providing better services that attract prospects. 

Automating your processes remains the best way to satisfy customers, attract new ones, improve sales, and reduce end–to–end service costs.

Attend Trade Shows

The decision-makers in retailing, manufacturing, and supplying are usually the main attendees of trade shows. These people come to these events to expand their purchasing channels.

Hence, attending trade shows allows you to find a great concentration for new customers. The trade shows are an excellent place to market your business, increase sales
, and find new customers

Streamline Operations

Modern wholesale customers expect a higher level of services. If you want to keep your relationships ongoing, you must have smooth business operations. 

Automating your business operations streamlines your complex processes such as order management, logistics, payments, and inventory management. When your operations are organized, you’ll attract new customers and retain the old ones.

The Erply POS system
is an excellent tool for managing your inventory and orders. It tracks everything sold in your wholesale business, and its reporting tools allow you to view stock levels and sales. 

Erply also allows you to add new products and include detailed descriptions with pictures. Sign up for a free trial


Wholesaling is profitable, and increasing your sales isn’t that difficult. With the right strategies, effort, and time, you’ll be able to grow your business in no time.

So, consider asking your loyal customers to refer you to their friends in the retail space, and incentivize them with a referral fee. Also, remember to streamline operations and improve your customer service because that way, your business will sell itself.