Erply Books can save you time in many fields of accounting with automated features. Besides that, being able to adjust the settings according to your needs is also a big convenience. In this article, we will mention a couple of features of Erply Books that can make the daily accounting tasks easier for you.

Bank Import

Bank import feature allows you to connect the transactions with invoices. Once you add bank statements, Erply Books tries to recognise transactions from there and connect them with the invoices and different accounts. You can automate bank import even more by adding different rules and customising according to your needs.

Recurring Invoices

This feature is perfect for enterprises such as clubs, societies or online companies who must send recurring invoices (membership fees, monthly subscriptions etc). Erply Books’ software copies documents automatically from your previously sent invoices and sends to a client via e-mail. With this way, you don’t have to spend your time to create the requiring invoices again. Once you prepare your “table of contacts”, you are good to go!

Product Groups

Organising your revenues or expenses according to your product groups can give you many insights about your sales. You can see your revenues and expenses by product groups in Erply Books. If you enable the “Sync Sales Invoice Rows for Custom non-Stock Item Revenue Mapping”, Erply Books can map the non-stock items into different revenue accounts for you!

Erply Books payroll feature

ERPLY Books payroll feature calculates payroll to everyone at once, add exceptions, prints and save payslips. You can add different payroll settings to each one of your employees and make the process easier for yourself.

You can easily calculate Australian Payroll by searching the feature from the dashboard. From here, you can add payrolls one by one. If you have only a few employees, you can also select all of them and create a payroll. On the other hand,

the payroll reporting
will allow you to monitor all your previous activities.

Erply POS and Erply Books Integration

If you are using Erply POS and Erply Books at the same time, you can speed up many processes with sync. Erply Books connects to Erply storage automatically. The synchronisation merges sales and purchase invoices with many other documents such as; payments, inventory registrations etc. With the sync, you will not spend time on manual data entry.  

Sync Payment Accounts

This feature enables you to assign different accounts to different transactions. Normally, when you assign different types of payments in Erply, the Erply Books cannot know which accounts should be synced, and automatically chooses Bank Account. Syncing Payment Accounts feature fixes this problem and enables you to transfer your accounts to Erply Books. It is also possible to assign different expense accounts for various write-off reasons.