With ERPLY you can be ready for the EMV liability shift.
 EMV or Chip and Pin payment are coming to ERPLY, and soon.  The new guidelines take effect in November, and to get our customers ready we’d like to let you know what we have been up to and the progress we’ve made.  As indicated in our earlier post
 we are adding new merchant processors and new hardware to our roster. 
Cayan (Merchant Warehouse)
- Integration and certification with their Genius solution have been completed. The first device supported by ERPLY on this platform is Verifone MX915 / MX925. Currently Berlin POS (Windows, iOS, OSX, Android) is ready to take non-EMV payments starting from 1st of June. EMV payments start from 1st of July without any additional update required on merchant side or on POS side. 
Element Payments
- Integration has been completed and we are in the process of certifying with their TriPOS solution. The first device ERPLY is going support on this platform is Verifone MX915, on Berlin POS (Windows, OSX). 
Bank of America Merchant Services
- Integration is in the process with the Verifone POINT platform. The first device to be supported on this platform will be Verifone VX520 on WinPOS (Windows only) and Berlin POS (Windows, OSX). Non-EMV payments are expected to be live from 15th of June.Please reach out to us if you have any questions on this topic, or would like to be in a beta-test/first round group for these features.  Find us at support@erply.com.