Embargo until March 8th, 2011 09:00am PDT

March 8th, 2011 (Palo Alto, CA USA, and London UK)
 ERPLY and Retailigence are pleased to announce a new partnership in which the Retailigence Data as a Service platform will enable ERPLY’s Retail Point of Sale platform customers to make their real-world inventory “discoverable” on the web and mobile applications allowing shoppers to find products in stores nearby. With this partnership, both companies are integrating their back-end systems to provide a seamless, robust and efficient solution for ERPLY retail sector customers who want to be visible to consumers using the web and mobile applications powered by the Retailigence API while shopping. The combined ERPLY-Retailigence solution brings increased value as both companies have complementary technologies which, when combined, allow ERPLY’s retail customers to reach a new set of clients: Mobile shoppers using Retailigence-powered apps on their smartphones to do product searches in real-time. Being found in these highly relevant and local searches means customers with intent to purchase will be driven to retailers’ doors. The partnership gives SMBs increased access to mobile marketing capabilities - a market segment that is particularly challenged when it comes to being “found” by shoppers. With this new partnership, businesses using ERPLY Retail Point of Sale can now level the playing field with large retailers by being found organically in local product searches being conducted on a variety of web and mobile apps. The partnership further enriches the Retailigence Data as a Service platform with a wide variety of local retail inventory data from ERPLY Point of Sale users and grows the continuously expanding Retailigence ecosystem with ERPLY customers’ data feeds. ERPLY customer Sway is the first to go live with the integrated turnkey solution. Sway’s data is already hosted in the ERPLY cloud inventory system, so no special integration is required. Since Sway’s customers are heavy smartphone users, the new offering is very relevant as it allows them to attract new customers while retaining and growing business from existing ones.  “We partnered with ERPLY because they offered the most scalable and extensible POS platform in the market today.  The ability to manage both brick and mortar stores, as well as our online site, was expected. Now that ERPLY has taken the lead in integrating with a market leader in mobile commerce like Retailigence, our expectations have been exceeded. We are thrilled with the Retailigence integration and the zero additional technical burden on our organization.” Jason Knight, CEO Sway “Our partnership with Retailigence allows us to offer the mobile channel, the fastest-growing marketing channel, as a turnkey solution to our retail customers. This extends our value to our customers by driving foot traffic with strong purchase intent right to their front door. The partnership also builds on our culture of making phenomenal technology available in a SaaS-based delivery model.” Kris Hiiemaa, CEO ERPLY “By partnering with ERPLY we deliver on our stated go-to-market strategy of reaching out to thousands of retailers via channel partners. ERPLY is a new way of thinking about inventory, POS and invoicing for small and medium businesses that are tired of expensive and hard to integrate systems. Smartphones and location-based services are changing the very face of traditional retail and we are excited to be at the forefront of this revolution.” Jeremy Geiger, CEO Retailigence ### 
About ERPLY:
Based in New York, London and Tallinn, ERPLY is a provider of Software as a Service for commercial retail inventory and e-commerce that handles data across physical shops, online stores, and warehouses, and provides real-time dashboards with relevant data. ERPLY is rooted in building complex custom ERP solutions. As the core team’s experience grew they realized that although various client’s needs and requests sometimes differed, there was also a lot of common ground; many things worked well for most clients in terms of managing inventory, POS, and sales. The company offers easy to use SaaS-based Point of Sale, inventory and e-commerce software. ERPLY was selected as a winner of Seedcamp 2009, and selected as a startup to watch by Wall Street Journal and RWW in 2010.Website: http://www.ERPLY.comMedia Contact: Kris Hiiemaa, CEO ERPLY 
About Retailigence:
Retailigence is based in Palo Alto, CA, and is funded by well-known Silicon Valley venture capital firms Quest Venture Partners, Draper Fisher Jurvetson and 500 Startups, LLC. The company’s founding team has extensive background and experience in retail, technology and data systems integration. Founded in 2009, the company facilitates the path to purchase and drives foot traffic to retail stores.  Retailigence aggregates retailers’ location-based inventory data onto its Data as a Service platform and makes it available to the mobile and web app ecosystem through a single API.  The platform supports any mobile or web application on any mobile OS through its open API, with the goal of providing platform-independent shopping data to consumers and brand management combined with analytics for local