The company’s CEO Kristjan Hiiemaa said he cannot disclose the name of the customer before the latter has made a stock exchange statement, but said that it has 350 stores, 12 million clients, a million transactions a month and over 500 million Canadian dollars in revenue.

Hiiemaa said that ERPLY expanded to Canada half a year ago and the contract was the result of determined efforts. “We have 4-5 people in Estonia who are specialised on sales in Canada, plus local sales representatives,” he added. The CEO added that the company’s office in US was also doing well and ERPLY can benefit from its experience in Canada. ERPLY, founded in 2009, has 100,000 customers which span 15 countries and include such notable clients as Elizabeth Arden. The company has raised 4 million USD in the last four years. Aripaev has estimated that ERPLY is worth about 25 million USD.