Erply, a provider of tablet-oriented point of sale and inventory management software for retailers, with a focus on multi-store operations, has partnered with Star Micronics to create a complete mPOS bundle for small/medium-sized business environments. Erply has integrated its retail operating software with Star’s all-in-one mPOP™ peripheral for a POS solution compatible with an Android™ mobile device.

Erply specialises in tablet-based point of sale software for retail environments of any size. With software that is built specifically to each business, and built-in features such as inventory management, CRM, accounting, and an eCommerce platform, Erply has a solution for any retail mPOS bundle. Erply has worked with Star Micronics’ printer peripherals for a number of years, integrating Star’s products with Android™, iOS, and Windows software for POS, and is providing Android™ support for the mPOP™.

With the mPOP™ being the first all-in-one integrated peripheral for Erply, the company saw it as the opportunity to give its customers a solution that is sleek and reliable, and different from anything they have ever seen before. The complete mPOS bundle with the Erply software, Star Micronics mPOP™, and Android™ tablet, makes installation that much simpler for retailers.

Coming soon, retailers will be able to use Star’s mPOP™ and Erply’s retail operating software in tandem with Apple iPad®, iPhone®, and iPod Touch® devices as well.

“Erply is very pleased to be working with Star Micronics and supporting its new mPOP™”, says Sander Sebastian Agur, VP of Business Development at Erply. “We have always found Star’s products to be reliable and easy to integrate, and the mPOP™ is no different. This is the first all-in-one peripheral that Erply has provided support for and we are excited to see it change the face of mPOS solutions for retailers.”

About Star Micronics

Star Micronics, one of the world’s largest POS providers, has designated a portfolio of printing, secure cash management, and customer solutions for any retail or hospitality establishment in POS and mPOS environments. Embracing the mobility wave, Star’s complementary SDKs allow users to utilise Star printers in tandem with Android™, and iOS iPad® and iPhone® devices to generate receipts for all of its printers. Always leading — always innovating, Star Micronics enables web-based printing solutions including remote cloud printing, wireless cash drawer solutions, proximity-based printing, and secure cash management. For more information, please visit or follow us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, or Vimeo.

About Erply

Erply is a global provider of easy-to-use Software as a Service for Point of Sale, commercial retail inventory and eCommerce that handles data across physical shops, online stores, and warehouses, while at the same time, providing real-time dashboards with relevant data. Erply is rooted in building complex custom ERP solutions. Erply understands that businesses need to evolve and that what you need today, may not be what you need tomorrow. Erply’s mission is to give clients the flexibility to evolve and grow as they want, but not to lock them into a standardised system. For this reason, Erply’s direction is highly focused around API’s and plug-in architecture, allowing customers to create custom fields, print-outs, and most importantly, integrations to existing or newly implemented third party systems.