New features

  1. An option to change usernames to email addresses.
     With this version, Erply back office will start recommending that usernames be converted to email addresses. (This is a preliminary step for future features and enhancements we are planning to deliver.)
    1. Changing the username
      is not compulsory
      , but users will get occasional reminders if their sign-in name is not an email address.
    2. To have one's username changed, a user should contact their manager. Usernames can be changed in the Settings → Users module.
    3. After entering an email address, a confirmation email will be sent to the user. Username change takes effect after clicking the confirmation link.
    4. All
      users can only have an email address as their username, and must similarly click a confirmation link sent by email, before they can log into Erply. There is one exception: if a new user account is needed for an API integration (not a real person), it is possible to pick an arbitrary username, and no confirmation email will be sent.

  2. Define separate 0% VAT rates for each purpose.
     Four new settings have been added to Settings → Configuration → Tax rates:
    • Default 0% VAT rate for sales within the European Union
    • Default 0% VAT rate for sales outside the European Union
    • Default 0% VAT rate for tax-free products
    • Default 0% VAT rate for customers exempt from tax 
    The first two fields only appear on EU accounts.

  3. Improvements in Reward Point Balance Report.
     There are now two variations of the Reward Point Balance Report (Customers → Reward Point Balance Report):
    1. "Reward point balances"
    2. "Reward point balances and recent transactions" 
    Previously, we only offered the latter option. Due to the extra information displayed, the report was slow to calculate and was also disabled on larger accounts (on accounts with more than 200,000 customers). The new, simpler view is an alternative that should work well even with larger data sets. Also, "Reward point balances and recent transactions" is no longer disabled on large accounts — but if the report takes too long to load, consider using the simpler option instead.

  4. Improvements for Vietnam.
    1. Configuration parameter "overwrite_money_decimals" has been added. The value should be an integer, indicating how may decimal places should be used for amounts of money (eg. invoice totals, retail prices). Vietnamese accounts may want to set the parameter's value to 0. (Vietnam does not use currency sub-units.) Values larger than 2 are not recommended; typically, invoice calculation algorithm does not provide more precision anyway.
    2. On Vietnamese accounts, net prices no longer have decimal places by default. (If needed, restore decimals with configuration parameter "overwrite_price_decimals".)
    3. Configuration parameter "overwrite_price_decimals" (which defines how many decimal places should net prices have) can now be set to a value of "0", to omit decimals.
  5. Rounding field on sales documents is now editable.


  1. "Product" table in report generator now contains product names in all languages. 
  2. In Settings → Configuration → Sending invoices by e-mail, email message text can now be defined for all languages.
  3. When creating one sales document from another, fields "Packed by" and "Project" are now copied, too.
  4. In Sales → Recurring billing, items can now be selected with check boxes on multiple pages. System remembers which items have been checked.
  5. When creating a batch of recurring invoices from Sales → Recurring billing, the created invoices are now automatically selected with check boxes.
  6. Recurring billing no longer suggests to create a new yearly invoice 3 months before the end of the current billing period.
  7. Report of packaging materials has been translated into English. (This report is part of the "Packaging materials" extra module which customer support can enable if needed.)
  8. Report of packaging materials no longer needs to be retrieved separately for each group of packaging materials. (There was a dropdown "Packaging group" in Reports → Sales, and to get full data, it was necessary to open the report three times, once for each group. This dropdown has been removed.) Additionally, a sale now appears on the report even if the product has NOT been "categorized" into one of the three types.
  9. One Lithuanian translation fixed.
  10. Security improvements.


  1. Fixed: even if user did not have the right to create invoices, they were able to create a sales order and then change its type.
  2. Fixed: occasionally, a report was generated with incorrect user rights. (For example, user might have seen a GDPR-related error message about forbidden access, while actually, rights had been granted.)
  3. Fixed: User group restriction "Each user can only see their own customers" did not always work as expected. Additionally, the "Documents" and "Tasks" modules now respect the setting, too.
  4. Fixed: "Register" drop-down on sales document displayed registers which did not belong to the currently selected location.
  5. Fixed: company postal address in email footer no longer contains unnecessary spaces at the beginning of the lines.