New Features

  1. Email address masking now optional.
     On accounts within the scope of General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), email address masking (replacing parts of email addresses with asterisks in "Email log" and Calendar → Tasks) is now optional. A new setting has been added: Settings → Configuration → Sending invoices by email → "Anonymize addresses in logs" which can be turned off. We advise to turn it off only if emails are predominantly sent to corporate customers, and storing the email addresses in tasks is acceptable according to your company's data retention policy.

  2. Print a purchase document in any language.
     A "Language" drop-down has been added to the "Print / Send" dialog on a purchase document form. When printing a Purchase Order or Purchase Invoice, or sending it by email, it is now possible to either select the option "Current language", or pick a specific language. "Current language" prints the document in currently selected language, with item names as they have been entered on the document. This might be useful if line descriptions have been overwritten or additional details appended. Selecting any other language gives a fully translated printout, with item names taken from product card.

  3. Sales document printout can be configured to show prices with VAT.
     On accounts where all sales documents have been configured to use the "retail calculation algorithm", an additional dropdown appears in Settings → Configuration → Sales document printouts: "On printout, show: net prices / prices with tax". This option (to show prices on the printout with VAT included) has been requested by Finnish customers.

  4. "Warehouse Report" has been reordered.
     The "Warehouse Report" on product card (list of transactions made with that product, and quantities in stock) has been reordered. Current inventory quantities are now listed first. The list of transactions comes after that, ordered chronologically with newest transactions at the top (not oldest ones at the top, as before).

  5. "Warehouse Report" shows less data initially.
     "Warehouse Report" on product card now initially displays only 100 most recent transactions. The full history can be loaded by clicking a link.

  6. Number of locations configurable in "Warehouse Report".
     In the "Warehouse Report", each user can toggle whether they want to see inventory quantities for all locations, or only for the most important ones. A link "Show more" / "Show less" appears as needed. The number of "important" warehouses can be configured from Settings → Configuration → Inventory and purchase, and is 25 by default.

  7. "POS multicurrency" module added.
     This is an extra feature which allows to count the register in Berlin POS in multiple currencies. Please contact customer support to enable it on your account. Additionally, customer support must apply configuration parameter"touchpos_sale_additional_currencies" to define which currencies need to be counted in POS.
  8. New report has been added: Reports → Sales Promotions →
    Promotions By Invoice Report
    . It displays the same data as Promotions Report, but aggregated by invoice.
  9. Configuration parameter "inventory_report_exclude_archived_products" = 1 has been implemented. When set, Inventory Report will always omit archived products (which may be desirable if the report takes a lot of time, or runs out of memory).
  10. Configuration parameter "disable_automatic_price_from_previous_quote" is now supported on Berlin back office, too. With this parameter enabled, back office and API will not apply prices from customer's previous quotes. (By default, when you create a sales document, pick a product and the customer has a non-expired quote containing the same product, the previously quoted price will apply.)
  11. On forms where the fields on the sidebar are arranged into groups (with subheadings between groups) the groups can now be collapsed to hide unnecessary fields. Erply will remember which groups are expanded and which ones collapsed, as a per-user setting.
  12. On accounts within the scope of GDPR, helpdesk consultants will no longer be able to access the Customers module.
  13. Product export file now includes the quantities of packaging materials (which can be entered on product card if the respective module has been enabled on your account).
  14. For Estonian customers, a version upgrade notification now displays a link to localized release notes.


  1. Support for Thai language has been added.
  2. Support for Faroese language has been added.
  3. Spanish translations have been updated.
  4. When scheduling the tasks on an Assignment, the calendar view that opened when clicking on the "Add"link worked inconsistently. It has been adjusted to work as follows:
    1. If assignment has a location defined, the popup will display location's calendar.
    2. Otherwise it will display the joint calendar of all user groups designated for repair jobs.
  5. On Actual Reports sales document printouts, a new field is available: each product's quantity in stock. (Field names are "amountInStock", "amountReserved", and "amountAvailable".)
  6. On Actual Reports sales invoice printouts, the "payer..." and "shipTo..." fields are now always populated, regardless of account settings and regardless of whether the invoice has a separate payer and receiver of goods or not. On standard templates, it is recommended to use the "payer..." and "shipTo..." fields, instead of the "customer..." fields. Different accounts may be configured differently, and the semantic meaning of "Customer" may vary; on older accounts, "Customer" typically means the receiver of goods, while on newer accounts, it means the payer.
  7. Actual Reports, purchase document printout: every document row now also includes product pictures.
  8. Field "Location" has been added to "Recurring billing" form. If you specify the location, all invoices created from that recurring billing will be issued from that location.
  9. In product export, product's net weight and gross weight are now returned in a uniform number format.
  10. On user group form, the permission check boxes "Add shipping" and "Set tax exemption" are now visible regardless of account's country. Formerly, these fields were activated only on American and Canadian accounts.
  11. Downloaded PDF file names can now contain Russian letters.
  12. Like in Classic back office, table rows can now be right-clicked (to select "Open Link in New Tab", for example). However, right now there is just one column in every table that supports right-clicking. (This column is indicated by an underline that appears on mouse hover.)
  13. On purchase document form, row height has been reduced to improve information density.
  14. Improvements in report generator:
    1. Column "ID" has been added to all tables.
    2. The error message that appears when trying to group or sort by a calculated column (eg. Sales document → Amount Paid) is now translated.
    3. New columns added: Sales document → Shipment packed by, Sales document → Year and month, Sales document → Payment deadline.
    4. Columns "Year number" and "Month number" in table "Sales document" now allow grouping and sorting.
    5. When grouping the report by a certain value, the value on the subtotal row is now displayed in the same number or date format as the rest of the data.


  1. Fixed: when selecting a customer that has been configured as a "EU" or "outside EU" customer, tax rates on sales document are now appropriately set to 0%.
  2. Fixed: when creating a new user, it was not possible to immediately choose which stores the user should have access to. The list of stores only appeared after the user had been saved.
  3. Fixed: when a bundle product was sold through recurring billing, bundle components were not subtracted from inventory.
  4. Fixed: popovers did not appear in the "Purchase Orders" module.
  5. Amount in EEK has been removed from purchase document printouts.
  6. Fixed: Inventory Report now respects configuration parameter"users_can_only_see_own_warehouse_stock".
  7. Fixed: after emailing an unconfirmed purchase order, its status in the list was incorrectly shown as "Confirmed".