New features

  1. API call verifyUser
    no longer allows PIN authentication
    . For an alternative, please see the switchUser 
    call. It requires the previous session’s key as input, meaning that authenticating with a PIN is possible only if another user has been previously logged into your application.
  2. Authentication calls (verifyUser
     and changePassword
    ) now enforce a maximum session length of 1 day (86400 seconds). If you request a session longer than that, API will still generate a session that expires in 86400 seconds.
  3. Support for a customer registry microservice has been added.
  4. Feature “Minimum Password Age” has been implemented. This feature may be used to limit how often regular (non-administrator) users can change their password (eg. no more frequently than once every 5 days).
    • This feature can be enabled by setting configuration parameter "minimum_password_age" to the desired number of days.
    • The corresponding implementation for Classic back office will be added in version 4.7.0.


  1. In sign-up e-mails, support contact information for Finland has been updated.
  2. An optimization in API call getSalesDocuments


  1. Fixed: API call getAmountsOnOrder
     returned incorrect quantities.
  2. Fixed: API call editAssortmentProducts
     incorrectly reported that a product does not exist in the assortment.