Yesterday we went over configuring your new ERPLY system, and some inventory setup. Today lets talk about customers, loyalty, and using the Point of Sale.

Making sales and tracking your customers is your business. These actions establish your cash flow and your community. To build on your community you need to know who is in it, and what is important to them. Let ERPLY help you get the data you can use to delight your customers. Later this month we'll be discussing how to check out the information your ERPLY account has gathered, and some ideas of how to use that data.First, though, we need to finish setting up the system:



Customer tracking leads to having the data you need to make your customers happier and your interactions more profitable.

If you want to track customers, customer spending, or set up a loyalty program, it is best to import your customer list or manually enter all of your customers. Subscribed accounts can have their initial customer list imported by our lovely support staff.


Point of Sale

Erply has 3 current POS systems: iPad, TouchPOS, and WinPOS.

We recommend starting with TouchPOS, which is closely mirrored in our iPad app. Below are guides to get you started at the Point of Sale. We recommend (and test and develop in) either Firefox or Chrome for a browser. Internet Explorer will not work.


Guide in Touch View

Touch view is for customers who have smaller inventory libraries, and like using a touchscreen (or mouse) and buttons to find and add items to a sale. Items are organized by product group along the top of the screen. You do not need a touchscreen device to use TouchPOS or TouchView, but it sure does work nicely on one.


Guide in Retail View

Retail View is for customers who prefer scanning barcodes or typing in codes to find their items. It is also recommended for situations with a large inventory library where finding items may be less efficient in a graphic layout.

Need more?

Below are some more guides that you may find helpful in getting started. If you need more assistance, give us an email at or call us at 917.210.1251 to set up a webinar.