10 Key Vape Shop POS Features

When it comes to retail businesses, especially those dealing with tobacco and vapor products, there is one major way to keep customers returning. It starts with the point-of-sale system they use in their stores to monitor sales and manage inventory. 

If a business uses an outdated POS system, it will more than likely cost them money without them even realizing it. That's why vape shop owners should consider their POS features when shopping around for a new POS system because it can dramatically change how they do business.

Below is a list of essential vape shop POS features to use.

1. Cloud Solution 

A cloud-based POS solution can be a great way to manage your vape shop’s inventory. Cloud technology allows you to access your data from anywhere through the Internet. It means that if you have to do anything business-related, you can still access your information without worrying about being stuck at home or in the office.

It can help you make informed decisions about your business, such as when to restock inventory or know when certain items are selling more than others so you can have more staff.

Many shops also use cloud solutions
to stay ahead of their competition. Some businesses are still relying on traditional POS systems that are more expensive than subscription-based cloud solutions. The low costs allow businesses with cloud solutions to offer better prices. 

Cloud solutions also integrate with ecommerce platforms, making it easy for the business owner to take advantage of the data from the online shop.

2. Inventory Management

You can easily manage your inventory
with a good vape shop POS system. It will allow you to keep track of all your products, including how much stock you have and how much you need to order. 

You will also know which products are selling well and those that aren't so popular. It helps you decide which ones need special attention when marketing or promoting them through social media or other channels.

3. Customer Loyalty Programs 

Vape shops often have loyalty programs that offer incentives to repeat customers. A POS system can help you manage these programs effectively by tracking customer purchases and providing rewards based on their points balance.

4. Integration with Payment Processing Solutions

When accepting payments, you want to ensure that your POS system is compatible with the payment processors you use. Some systems allow you to accept payments through multiple processors, while others support only one or two.

For example, your POS system must integrate with the Shopify platform if you use Shopify Payments. If not, you won’t be able to accept credit card payments from customers at all.

The same goes for Square and other payment processors. Make sure that your POS system can integrate with these services so that they can process transactions on your behalf.

5. Staff Management

Staff management is an essential retail POS feature for your business. You need to know who is working, when they are working and where they are working. It will help you keep track of your employees' performance, manage their leave requests, and ensure they are paid correctly.

Staff attendance is another essential feature integrated into your vape shop POS system. It will allow you to track how many hours each team member has worked in a day or week. In addition, it lets you know if they're overworking themselves or are unavailable due to illness or vacation days.

6. Sales Reporting

Sales reporting helps you understand what products sell best at certain times of the year and helps you see which products are selling better than others to adjust your inventory accordingly. 

A good sales report should include sales volume by category, product type (by brand or manufacturer), store location, day/week/month/year, etc. In addition, it will allow you to plan for significant events like holidays or sporting events where customers may want more specific items than usual.

7. Updates and Security

All POS software is prone to security attacks. Vape Shop POS is no different. The first thing you want to do is make sure the device is up to date with all software and firmware updates. It ensures that all security flaws have been patched and that your system will be as secure as possible.

Additionally, look into how easy it is to install updates when they become available. If too much time has passed, it could be difficult to update some devices after they’ve been installed in your store. It can leave you vulnerable to security breaches in the future.

Security features include:

8. Ongoing Technical Support

Vape shops are constantly evolving. If your point-of-sale system isn't keeping up with the times, it can quickly become obsolete and cost you time and money. Instead, you should choose a POS system with ongoing technical support services.

Ongoing technical support includes free software updates, so you always have the latest software version in use. It also includes assistance from the manufacturer if something goes wrong with your device or if you need help integrating it with other systems in your store.

9. Ease of use

The best vape shop POS system should be easy to use, with a user-friendly interface. You want your staff to learn how it works quickly. It also includes having a simple interface and menu structure. You should also be able to easily add new products and categories and update information on existing items.

While most systems are designed with a similar overall look and feel, they offer different features and functionality. For example, suppose you’re looking for something as friendly as your business. In that case, you’ll want a POS system that offers an intuitive interface and is easy for everyone involved – from staff to customers – to use.

10. Product Alerts 

Your inventory management software should also include alerts for low stock levels and other issues related to product availability (e.g., expiring date). This way, you won't run out of products unexpectedly or let anything go bad before it has

 POS System Benefits

The best vape shops will have a POS system that provides their business with several significant benefits. These include:

A better customer experience
- The main benefit of having a POS system is that it allows you to provide a better customer experience. It provides inventory level data and other information relating to current sales and trends in a digestible format.

It helps you make better decisions about which products to stock and will also help you ensure that your store looks good at all times and is well-stocked with the products your customers want most.

Increased efficiency
- A sound POS system can help you work more efficiently by spending less time on administrative tasks and more time selling products. It means that you will spend less money on labor costs and more on marketing activities,
which will lead to higher profits over time.

Better customer service
- With real-time data about sales and inventory levels, it's much easier for you to give customers what they need when they need it. 


Consider finding a POS system that helps you manage inventory, offers sales reports, has technical support, helps with staff management, and offers updates and security, among other important features. Your business will run more smoothly, customers will be happier, and you will make more money. 

When it comes to picking a great POS system, nothing stands out from the crowd more then Erply. The Erply POS system
comes with dozens of features that help you run your business successfully. 

It allows you to run loyalty programs, manage stock, manage your staff, implement self-checkout, and more.

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